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-Awesome'belieber for life
- i love baby ttm♥
- & my awesome frenz



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© written memories♥

Friday, July 29, 2011 @ 5:25 AM

Went to Railway Track with babyy ♥

Baby thanks for everything ♥ ; being there when i needed you the most :3

250311`iloveyouu ♥

Better Than Chocolate`♥

Friday, July 22, 2011 @ 5:31 AM

*pinch pinch* ♥

baby know how to do mj's 45 degree stun ! :D ♥


piggggg :3 ♥
:3 ♥♥♥

Quality times were never enough ♥ 21072011


Saturday, July 16, 2011 @ 12:04 AM

Baby Center Parting :D

one tail ♥

1 tail ♥

2 tail ♥ CUTE MANZXC !

hahaha , pooh wears the wrong shorts again ! ):


really really sick !

BIG eyeballs :B

poke pooh ♥

identical twins !

hahahhaha awww :3

Baby change infront of me ! shyy :3 ♥

Shuaiii ! ♥

Heheheehe Webcam-ed with baby todayy , epic luhh ^^
Baby sleeping now , GET WELL SOON :D ! aii nii ♥

大笨蛋 ♥

Friday, July 15, 2011 @ 4:51 AM

我也爱你 :3 ♥

113 days ♥

@ 4:21 AM

Sowwiee babyyy :B ♥

Spammmm xD 100 % auntie-who-goes-to-market look :D

Wee , went for the c girls floorball finals todayy ♥

EXCITED !! bm : 2 , idkwhatsch : 0
WEEE ! bm : 1 , idkwhatsch : 0
Finally , bm : 2 , idkwhatsch : 0 ♥
So , final is bm : 5 , idk : 0 !! :D
Grats ^^

Today baby sick ]: GET WELL SOONN ♥ :3 xoxo. IMYYYY. ♥

is it difficult ?

Monday, July 11, 2011 @ 4:33 AM

If you were to ask me what i want
i want to be the first person you wanna talk to when your down
i want to be the first person you think of when your happy
i want to be the first person you wanna complain to when your angry
i want to be the one that you trust
i want to be there for you always
and not like now... ):

blehh ♥

108 dayys ♥ aii nii !

Saturday, July 9, 2011 @ 2:27 AM

Weeee webcam-ed with baby almost the whole afternoon ♥

Duck-face pig ♥
Baby eat noodles also must tempt me :(

HAHAHA , PIGG binoculars ! ♥ Awww , baby saddd ♥ Act shuai act shuai :B ! Yesterday went to eat kimchi food with baby ♥ !

Wee miss baby ttm ♥ :3

Dr.Bieber ♥

Tuesday, July 5, 2011 @ 6:01 AM

Wee today was kinda relaxing ! Firstly , Mr tan never come (ms anusha took over) , Ms samsiah never come (Slack slack) , Ms kong never come (ms anish took over) LOL ♥
Okay , Assembly has SEX talk which is kinda epic :/
Bio was more epic ~ LOL
okay after school had the chinese creative writing which lasted 2 and half hour , everybody died.
Then jiu go home with baby , wanxuan & vivien
i swear alot of epic things happen TT
MY $1.95 PEN & $305 HANDPHONE AHHHHH !! [ baby hai de ): ]
Wee reached home and ate noodles , now slacking since i've done all homeworks ^^ ♥

Miss baby luh horh ): ♥


Saturday, July 2, 2011 @ 5:05 AM

Today was CIP , went to blk 1 & 2 to collect niupaper & clothes :D
After that jiu go ikea for break , hotdog & icetea !
We ended at 1pm C:
Went to KFC slack & drink ^^ wee fun fun !
okay den jiu sit bus lai sit bus qu with baby ♥
Today was meaningful cos we get to help the needy pupil , i know it means alot to them ♥

Weee i love today luhh ♥ Baby.

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