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-Awesome'belieber for life
- i love baby ttm♥
- & my awesome frenz



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Friday, May 28, 2010 @ 8:09 AM

Happy belated birthday Phoebe♥ !
hahas :D

Today was bored-dd
This post is dedicated to my blankets,phone,com,shoes,bags,potato and evrything else.
Thanks for being there when i needed u...♥



Thursday, May 27, 2010 @ 6:33 AM

Memoies are like bubbles,catch them before they burst away..♥

Meet-th-parents today
thankfully things turn out better den expected
althought results not good;there was'nt much complains
parents did'nt say much too *phew*
But i really nid to add more oil !

u may be feeling especially down now, cheer up
evrything is gonna be alrite soon kk
This is not the end yet
u can do it next time round =D

bad bad sorethroat D;

Tuesday, May 25, 2010 @ 7:17 AM

Story timee :DD

Mom liked to make breakfast food for dinner every now and then. And I remember one night in particular when she had made breakfast after a long, hard day at work. That evening, mom placed a plate of eggs, sausage and extremely burned biscuits in front of dad. I remember waiting to see if anyone noticed.

All dad did was reach for his biscuit, smiled at mom and asked me how my day was at school. I don't remember what I told him that night, but I do remember watching him smear butter and jelly on that biscuit and ate every bite.

When I got up from the table, I remember hearing mom apologize to dad for burning the biscuits. And I'll never forget what he said: Honey, I love burned biscuits.

Later that night, I went to kiss Daddy good night and asked him if he really liked his biscuits burned. He wrapped me in his arms and said, "Your Momma put in a hard day at work today and she's real tired. And besides - a little burnt biscuit never hurt anyone!"

You know, life is full of imperfect things . . . . . and imperfect people. I'm not the best at hardly anything, and I forget birthdays and anniversaries just like everyone else.

What I've learned over the years is that learning to accept each others' faults - and choosing to celebrate each others differences - is one of the most important keys to creating a healthy, growing, and lasting relationship.

Because in the end, you are the master of your own life, to be happy or unhappy, to be positive or negative.

Don't put the key to your happiness in someone else's pocket - keep it in your own.
So please pass me a biscuit, and yes, the burnt one will do just fine..♥

Freeday '10♥

@ 6:32 AM

no matter how bad today was, it still deserves a heart :D
Lim ho
aged 90
my elderly♥
she very good eh XD
i love th bus trip..tap tap all th way!
i slept alot actually hehe
the bolly veggie farm was lik DAMN hot
so i decided not to walk
we went there for lik one hr
den we bus-ed home
--tap tap--♥
den we went tiong
watched IP man2
awesome cute!
refering to th small boy LOL
homed @ 7.45
lateee DD:
dad was like bathing when i bang th door LOL *FYIO*
yup dats all^^
*** * **** *** ** ** ** *** ******** **** ******* **** ***.
** * ********** ***
* **** ** ***
* **** ***
ta daa! davinci code XD
or even harder den dat LOL



Monday, May 24, 2010 @ 8:53 AM

actually i had mood to post about today hahas.
and now, i dun even care.

u have to believe me.


Sunday, May 23, 2010 @ 7:52 AM

went to boon lay.
i bought a top.
mom bought a top.
dad bought cabbage.
k dats all.nites^^


@ 5:04 AM

Here's a little hope.

"Today I was at the grocery store with my mom.

As we were pushing our cart, I heard a woman sobbing. I turned around. There stood a couple, linked arm in arm, the woman laughing so hard she was crying, and the man with two carrots stuffed up his nose, laughing as well.

They were about eighty years old. Their love GMH."

Thursday, May 20, 2010 @ 6:43 AM

nono.u dun hurt them,they are MINE..♥

dun feel lik posting today hahas.
today time flies so slowy.
tmrw will be worst.
Panda got ncc
Wan xuan netball

oww D;
bored bored bored bored bored!

get well soon..(:


Wednesday, May 19, 2010 @ 8:11 AM


nono.wild spice better then BBQ.
You will never how strong u are until u are left with no choice..♥

Life's like this.
Before u fall to ur own despair,see not only the ones laughing,but the ones crying.
Always know u are not th-only one in this world.
The tragedy about life is not itself but not realising the existence of it.
It's the unexpecteds' dat changes our life(:
be th change before others trampled their feets on urs^^

-getting papers tmrw.God bless,i love u;amen..♥


Sunday, May 16, 2010 @ 8:48 AM

Scars are just tattoo with better stories

However long the night,dawn will break.
Everyone Changed;they fact that they really do.
Before they actually make a go for the change;they would have acually slower down their pace

We enjoy warmth because we have been cold. We appreciate light because we have been in darkness. By the same token, we can experience joy because we have known sadness.

People only tend to realise what they could have after they have lost it.
so right now:
We people sometimes have to stop and look around,the ppl around us
What do they really possessed?
Appearance isn everything
Dat's what i told someone today(:

Sometimes one word,comment,even if its a casual remark or joke
IT really matters alot to the person.

Remember-ing dat everday is a gift,dats why we call it present
i realised that i had'nt really spent th most of my time realising i have losted them.


Saturday, May 15, 2010 @ 8:32 AM

What hurts u the most is, when the person who makes u feel special yesterday ,had made u feel the most stupid today.

a little story:

Once,there was 2 couples who was very very old.
For the past 40 years together, they had been very loving.
did not quarrel or bicker.
Den one day,the old lady was dying
On her death bed,the old man decided to ask her wat was hiding in that shoe box of hers
She decided it was time to open it,so she ask him to bring it to her
The old man opened the box
inside was 2 knitted dolls and a cash of $20,34587 dollars.
The old lady explained dat for every moment she was was angry with him,she would knit a doll
The old man was very happy
For 40 years, she had only been upset for 2 times.
When the old man ask what about the money,
the lady replied :
" those were the money i got from selling the dolls."

Nobody is forever happy;some prefer to keep it to themselves


Friday, May 14, 2010 @ 7:50 AM


Stupid.time just dun stop

today had fun cos exams are over ;D
went to vivo with loads of people(:
me rachel n wan xuan went diaso while waiting for them to come
th puppies in the pet shop are sooooooo cute! ILT
me Rachel n wan xuan cannot go in arcade. owww dats sadd ):
so we hanged around in the pet shop.
watched iron man[♥]
verii funny hahas! i wan my bird.
after th movie bought cake(:
panda n kimberly bought th cakes ritee.THANKS!
i love th macaron♥
after that we went to skypark and SingSongCutCake(:
th cakee was damn nice omg <3
its not $38 for nothing(:
oh ya and its kah howe//jiada bdae^^
went home at 5.30 but i reached home at 7 D: why why>:
had fun today ;P
Special Thanks:Panda-Shun jie-Kah Howe-Meldon-Th'Fren-Jia Da-Rachel-Selvi-Vivien-Suriani-Wan Xuan-Sagitta-Viranjeet-Kimberly-Phoebe♥
Long horhs^^

i wan freedayyy!


Thursday, May 13, 2010 @ 7:48 AM

Life Quotes,girly-girl-graphics,Rainbow,Peace Quotes,Love Quotes,girly girl,girly girl graphics,Quotes and Sayings,Quote
i think of you

When I'm down and all alone
When nothing seems to matter
When I lose my hope
When I'm sad and confused

When it all gets turned around and 'round
I can't seem to reach for solid ground
When everything I've believed in seems untrue
All I have to do

Is think of you
I think of you and it's gone
Like you chase away the storm
Making it all okay
I think of you
I think of you and I'm strong
And I know I can go on
It's like you set me free
When life gets the best of me
I just think of you

Now I know what love means
And whatever life may hold for me
Through the fire
Through the rain I believe

Cause there's nothing I can't bear
Knowing that you will be there
If I fall I won't break
Through it all I'll make it through
Cause all I have to do


And when I think I'm all alone
I can't see the way to go
Lost in the rain of my own tears
To wash away the pain and fear


For the good times and the bad times
I just think of you
Cause you know you get the best of me
I just think of you

Wednesday, May 12, 2010 @ 6:29 AM


everyone jiayou for tmrw's exam hehe(:

words can heal,it can oso kill


Tuesday, May 11, 2010 @ 7:51 AM

Love Quotes,girly-girl-graphics,girly girl graphics,Quotes and Sayings
dun fake smiles,dun b sad, just let out ur sorrowness. rmb i will always b there.

Everybody has faced problems i guessed.
We can't solve the problem immediately lik nothing has happened,
instead,i believe everybody nids a listening ear.
u'd either be one, or have one(:
isn't sorrow pain more easeful after lettin it out?
dun keep everything to urself,trust me dat it'll be better..
Sometimes perhaps u would think dat other's advice are just consoling words.
But, they really do makes sense sometimes haha.
i once had problems,bigger n worser situationst
i did not overcome'em, as time goes pass,probs find their own way out.
Even if its a dog or even a wooden puppet,u would feel better after sayin out ur unhappiness(:
much less,to someone hu actually cares.

dun think 2 much(:
this is to people around me who is feeling down rite now, especially a few peoples.SMILE(:


@ 7:16 AM

Cherish the Moment
never knew we could have so much fun

had maths n science paper.GOD bless hahas
had fun in th lib n pg lols
it was lik raining so heavily O;
we still play in the rain muahahas.
hope nobody gets sick orhs(:
see we study so hard, learnin n expressin the term ' bilegerent' yea.
tmrw english paper ;D
everybody add oil add oil C:
today had great fun ayes
Special Thanks:Rachel,Wan Xuan,Suriani,Vivien,Panda,Shun jie(:


Sunday, May 9, 2010 @ 6:45 AM

to every mum on earth(sorry pluto) , HAPPY MOTHERS DAY♥
i hope everything goes smoothly tmrw,god bless alrites(:
jiayous for GEO. n LIT. everybody^^

yarh dats all i think,feeling lousy.

stupid things, stupid day , stupid quarrels♥


Friday, May 7, 2010 @ 8:21 AM

today had my first paper(:
not bad i think :D
after exams went to bm library
was supposed to study but..yeaa we slacked O:
we went to tiong at around 2? - to find vivien
today mac no air-con.so VERY hot,imagine wat will happen when firebird comes^^
so we decided to go long john haehaes
spent 7 plus D:
steal my ice-lemon tea somemore D:<
after lunch we went to comics n more than words n prize station
LOL vivien burnt $10 ^^
shit haven buy zhao bin's birthday present :P
hahas.n mother's day present too.
after dat we went to mac n they bought beverages.(:
slacked n talk
and finally decided to go over to jalan membina 's pg
very long nv go le!
miss it♥
went to 7-eleven to buy drinks hahas. another $2.10 ):
we lik mad peoples in 7-eleven
i think th uncle very dulan LOL.
vivien n panda mixed all th drinks.claps =D
i still prefer originality♥
after dat we managed to drink finish our drinks -(i had 'kind' helpers)
everybody headed home(:
reached home at 7 plus, missed part of gogo ajuma ):
had a fun day today yea(:
special Thanks♥ :
♥Wan xuan-Suriani-Vivien-Selviana-Rachel-Panda-Shun jie♥

Thanks for making a great difference in my life♥

Th arrival♥

Thursday, May 6, 2010 @ 7:21 AM

exams tmr ):
no interest in toking abt them :P
jia yous to everyone alrites♥
Today was quite fun hahas.
i can't wait for freeday((:
dats all! gonna sleep soon 'o'
tmr got exams! go go go!
- whats wrong with 花鸡 ? :P

im trapped n i just can't get out♥

Wednesday, May 5, 2010 @ 6:26 AM

10 mins ago. i realise dat my phone no balance >:
luckiy my mum was at tiong(:
asks her to buy card n mentos XD
mayb th rain poured b'cos the cloud was simply to heavy♥

5 May '10
had dnt in th morning,busy.VERY.
Ms leong always prepares everything for us(Y)
lets jump to lit.
had sweets :D
but i eat zhao bin's chewing gum first^^
after lit took another one :P
and i accidentally swallowed one of it ==
am i going to die?? lols i was going around asking ppl dat. PHEW!
luckily vivien say i will still be alive :B
zhao bin say BYE BYE.

after school went to kfc.ate bandito♥
laughs lol
den headed to interchange,solve something(:
went back to bm library and started 'studying'
did some theory corrections hahas.
had fun.laughs.n yarh.
its been some time since i had so much fun(:

exams driftin nearer ):
inject some vitamins!
so dat i can workk work workkk
hope dat tmr will be fun too♥

- Rach get well soon♥(: -


Tuesday, May 4, 2010 @ 6:32 AM

so sad.
so sad.
so sad.
oh dear.my life is controlled by th power of exams.
its stressing me out :<

can u believe it?
exams' this friday n i haven really studied alot.
im seriously getting lazier):
it seriously creeps me.wat in the world has influenced me)):

its mother's day this sun^^
plus still owe zb presents.great.
i guess i buying on thurs or friday lols
bought 8-days♥
some things i totally indulge in.TOTALLY.
- remember that today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday -

now dat im gonna worry about tmrw..

happy b'dae

Monday, May 3, 2010 @ 8:17 AM

happy b'dae TENG ZHAO BIN(:
wish u grow taller^^

i just can't sleep

@ 7:35 AM

hope everything's gonna be alrite tmrw.
feels weird..): just can't get through u..

Sunday, May 2, 2010 @ 6:31 AM

When I was just a little girl,
My mama used to tuck me into bed,
And she'd read me a story

It always was about a princess in distress
And how a guy would save her
And end up with the glory

I'd lie in bed
And think about
The person that I wanted to be

Then one day I realized
The fairy tale life wasn’t for me.

I don’t wanna be like Cinderella,
Sitting in a dark, cold, dusty cellar,
Waiting for somebody to come and set me free (Come and set me free)
I don’t wanna be like someone waiting
For a handsome prince to come and save me
Oh no will survive
Unless somebody's on my side
Don't wanna be
No, no, no one else.
I’d rather rescue myself.

Someday I'm gonna find Someone
Who wants my soul, heart and mind
Whos not afraid to show that he loves me
Somebody who will understand im happy just the way i am
Dont need nobody taking care of me
(i will be there)I will be there for him just as strong as he will be there for me
when i give myself then it has got to be an equal thing


I can slay (I can slay) my own dragons. (My own dragons)
I can dream my own dreams. (My own dreams)
My knight in shining armor (shining armor) is me.
So I'm gonna set me free.

-chorus x2-

♥ this song!

@ 4:13 AM

ot eb a lsinetnig rae si het gearstet tnihg a fner acn od rof yuo.hnakts.
amyeb ti asw ym falut,sroyr ):
went to marina bay sand's todayy. the casino was..great.

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