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-Awesome'belieber for life
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- & my awesome frenz



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© written memories♥


Friday, April 30, 2010 @ 9:47 PM

ealrly elfe dinyg rtei nwo.
i hpeo eyvretnihg's gnnao eb kaoy atfre mi gneo.

@ 7:02 AM

sweet birthday-♥-    


Thursday, April 29, 2010 @ 8:19 AM

had fun today(:
skipp skul stuffs
went to kfc after sku with lesbo XD
ate bandito (Y)
lesbo ate i-forgot-wat (:
den went library to 'STUDY'
k at least i have a inspiration 4 dnt (:
went home at 5 plus.
we took half an hour to walk to interchange lols
went tb with wan xuan n panda
met shun jie later.
was LATE lols
rushed home and bathe
den went to tb again
met my sister and we bought alot of things^^
all she pay one XD
went to eat ajisen YAY
tue just went lols.n dat was to celebrate my mom's bdae
today was her actual bdae hahas
had a couple of h2h toks today{♥}
thanks sis for buying me all these craps♥
thanks: rachel-wanxuan-suriani-vivien-panda-shunjie♥
for making my day great(:

dun angry lerhs lesbo(:
cheer ups^^

so much i could cry.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010 @ 8:49 AM

today was tiring.
had fun with sketching lols.
im very hungry now..):
stuffin myself with pringles lols
i guess its easier to forget about things when ur mouth is full of good food.
its been months.since i have ever felt happy.a distinct laughter.
it may seem fun to everyone else but to me, its just empty.
sigh.Exams is adding to my stress.im gonna seriously start studyin tmr. jia yous^^!
kk its 11.54 rite now.nites{♥}


Tuesday, April 27, 2010 @ 8:00 AM

have euu ever wondered why life is so important
not bcos of life itself
but the ones dat made life great(:

today got stuck with ipw now n then.
somebody made stupid comments,sad.
sometimes i wonder why people don talk through their brains >:
after skul wen to interchange find rachel
went to plaza n ate at kopitiam.damn hungry sia XD
den after that went to buy presents^^
den went to 5th floor.chat n played lols
totally laughed out loud!
send rachel to bus-stop
n home home at 7 plus.
had a quick bathe n dry my hair.
den went to ajisen to eat XD
took pictures, will upload soon hahas (about 3-4 years time)
yay i bought 8-days ^^!

i hope life has a BIG BIG eraser dat can erase off all sad stuffs.
was messing with my keyboard.idk wat to write here):
btw happy birthday mum.thought today was'nt the actual day(:
hope u'd like the presents n th dinner just now(:

people who can see this, pls tag(:
cos u're special to me(:


Sunday, April 25, 2010 @ 6:30 AM

happy bdae yvonne hahas(:
currently watching star awards(:
fann wong rawks^^
lols! i admire chris' fashion(:
k i hope exams i can do well..):
k dats all bb

its okay(:

@ 5:17 AM

in the end, everthin's gonna be okay(:
for ppl hu are feeling gloomy n sadd now~cheer up^^
i hope dat in the end , ppl will realise their mistakes
we dun really have much time left..
a smile, even if its a fake one, can make a change in other's(:

get up n go on

Monday, April 19, 2010 @ 8:57 AM

sometimes, the ppl around u are th ones that made the change in u(:


Sunday, April 18, 2010 @ 7:02 AM

have u ever had great memories.?
how'd i wished i could keep them in a bottle
and take'em out whenever im sad..):

u're such a asshole.ops!

Thursday, April 15, 2010 @ 8:48 AM

type type type...
its so hard to even press a button down.
lik its carrying alot of burden.
can i escape from reality?
wtf is this TT
im gonna kill it.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010 @ 8:07 AM

bored, sick bored
having sorethroat n slight fever D:
i hate sorethroat!
now my voice is fading~
just read ttfn earlier and quite interesting ^^
i think th best lesson today was science which we actually skip almost th whole lesson lols!
something funny happened when me n rachel was on the way back to classroom
we open the door and SHOCK O.O
not our class!
we thought we go wrong door den mrs tan ask us faster come in
we quickly take our bags and worksheets and go for lit class
super embarrassing man!
dunno wat class is dat but our reaction was dam big :X

was i actually looking forward to tomorrow?
k dats for now
n i badly wan freeday to come.it ends at 12 so i hope we could all go ETP tgt^^
k bb.

today is th 2moro♥

Tuesday, April 13, 2010 @ 6:33 AM

todae was okayy(:
had maths first
followed by recess^^
den we had eng, mt n cep(:
cep was quite fun
we had to use th dohs to knead into a career we wan.
at first i wanted to knead something else den it doesn't look lik it lol
den last minute i thought of egg
den TA DAAA!
* egg on frying pan*
no white doh so i use red coloured doh.
th egg is overcooked lol.

so many unexpected things nowadays lols.
wat happens when u hav th feelin of lost ):
........EAT FRENCHFRIES....nahh jk^^

god, i hope u will see it♥

come back♥

Monday, April 12, 2010 @ 7:30 AM

happy birthday FELICIA♥
hope ur 14th's gonna be memorable(:

today was boring lols.
i guess u just have to keep it to urself
who is true n who is not.
u will hav to cherish tomorrow
because tomorrow will be a past dat we will reminsce in th future.

i remembered breakign into laughter during geography period
it was lik dis
yong peng was asking me craps
when he suddenly ask a question den i was thinking
den jin Qiang(infront) suddenly turned around n said:
" yes? "
dam funny sia!
he lik so dam feakin random den i burst into laughter n got scolded D;
lols.th rest of th day are fun 2 ^^
guess dats all(:

let us reminsce.

Sunday, April 11, 2010 @ 2:46 AM

reminsce th times we had.
reminsce th fun we enjoyed.
reminsce th every little things we laugh.
reminsce th first time i met u.
reminsce th places we had gone to.
reminsce th talks we had.
for once more, let us reminsce.

changes is so scary.
it can erase off all memories;make one feel numb
how i wished we could go bak to whr we started.
it was fun; perhaps we did'nt cherished.
we once made a silent promise : to stand by each other till' death
even if th ocean runs dry
even if th sky breaks apart
even if u are disfigured
i would still rmb...
rmb th times we had.

im feeling weird.

Thursday, April 8, 2010 @ 7:17 AM

weird.i cnt differ from reality n illiusion.
u. u tell me pls.am i dreaming?


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